Our Faculty
The Missional College's faculty attracts academic practitioners, researchers and teachers with international mission experience from across the globe. The faculty consists of a diverse group of leaders and educators with extensive knowledge in their diverse missional fields across five departments. Students in The Missional College develop an understanding of culture from biblical and missiological perspectives and skills in intercultural mission that may be applied in cultural settings internationally.
The Institute for Study of Religion
The Institute for the Study of Religion is one of it's kind in evangelical Christian education. With degree programs in four major world religions plus new religious movements and folk cultures, the ISR provides world class undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs.
The Center for Diaspora Studies
The Center for Diaspora Studies provides opportunity for missional academics and practitioners to join together in research issues related to ministry among internationals, immigrants and refugees globally.
Faculty Profiles
Please choose from the menu at the left for a complete list of faculty and staff and click on the link to read their profile.
Faculty by Department
Department of Cultural Studies
Department of Ethnic & Reconciliation Studies